B Creative Presents - Street Dance Showcase
7th July
Welcoming B Creative family to come and watch our students in their Summer Showcase.
A fantastic opportunity for them to show the street dance styles and dances they’ve been learning this term in a fun and exciting way!
Showcasing dances from all our groups; BC STARS, BC NOVA, BC ROCKET, BC COMET, BC CHAOS, BC SATURN V, BC DOUBLE STAR, BC GALAXY, BC FLARE… and our Competition Crews BC COSMOS, BC FLARE & BC NITROGEN!
Sit back and enjoy watching your child do what they love to do best…dance!
- T: 01481 229999
- E: performingarts@gcfe.net
- Princess Royal Centre for Performing Arts Guernsey College of Further Education Les Ozouets Campus St Peter Port GY1 2UB