Comedy Night: Dom Joly's Holiday Snaps

10th Mar

Dom Joly is best known as the creator of Trigger Happy TV. Last year, the writer and broadcaster undertook his first UK tour since 2011, giving fans a rare opportunity to see him live. Before this pandemic-interrupted tour starts up again in 2022, he’ll be giving the people of Guernsey a sneak preview. Dom will be talking about his exploits as a serial globe-trotter and seeker of dangerous travel spots. From North Korea through the Congo and Syria to Chernobyl, he’s visited some of the most unusual places on the planet. Joly famously attended school with Osama Bin Laden and armed with a trusty Powerpoint, fans can expect his holiday snaps to provide comedy and a sense of danger.

A multi-award winning comedian and writer, he is best known for his smash hit hidden camera series Trigger Happy TV that sold to over 80 countries around the world, and which recently returned with an updated and brand new series to huge acclaim on All4 and Channel 4.

Alongside his TV work, Dom is a former diplomat and political producer turned columnist for the Independent and The Sunday Times, and travel writer.

Dom is also an Ambassador for Save The Children.

Comepere for the evening is Andre Vincent.

Doors/Bar: 7pm | show starts: 8pm

Please note: this show may not be suitable for children.

  • Contact

  • T: 01481 711360
  • E:
  • St James Concert and Assembly Hall College Street St Peter Port Guernsey GY1 2NZ

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