Emily Kenway: Who Cares - Guernsey Literary Festival

14th May
12pm - 1pm

Globally, millions of people are caring for long-term unwell, elderly or disabled loved ones; one in eight people in the UK. Blending memoir, polemic and investigation, Who Cares combines Emily’s own experience caring for her mother with the voices of caregivers and those receiving care, as well as scientists developing potential solutions to the care crisis, to show how we need to reorganise and reimagine the fundamental building blocks of our world to ensure caregiving is at its heart. Chaired by Susie Gallienne.

Adult £10
Child £5

  • Contact

  • T: 01481 727793
  • E: reception@lescotils.com
  • Les Cotils, St Peter Port, Guernsey, GY1 1UU, Channel Islands

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