GCOS - 75th Anniversary Concert: Carl Orff's Carmina Burana

27th May

Carl Orff’s Carmina Burana has been described as “shamelessly popular”. The text consists of a collection of early 13th-century songs and poems written in a mix of Latin, German and medieval French. These are secular songs which celebrate the joys of the tavern, nature, love and lust.

Orff set 24 of these songs to music for soloists, choir and orchestra. The three sections, Springtime, In the Tavern and The Court Of Love, are preceded by and end with the iconic  “O Fortuna”, an invocation to the goddess of fate and fortune.


Soloists (by kind permission of the Royal Northern College of Music)

Joe Ashmore (Baritone)

Anusha Bobby (Soprano)

Dominic Mattos (Countertenor).

  • Contact

  • T: 01481 711360
  • E: admin@stjames.gg
  • St James Concert and Assembly Hall College Street St Peter Port Guernsey GY1 2NZ

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