GLF presents Terry Waite CBE and Matthew Rickard: Words and Music

26th Jun
5pm - 6pm

In the 1980s, Terry Waite was taken and held hostage in Lebanon for nearly five years in the midst of his work to try and secure the release of four hostages, including John McCarthy, while operating as the Archbishop of Canterbury’s Special Envoy. Terry will be recalling engaging moments from his life through some of his readings and poetry, with illustrative music played by pianist Matthew Rickard.

This promises to be a very absorbing evening which should appeal to a wide audience.

Tickets: £12/£6

  • Contact

  • T: 01481 749999
  • E:
  • Princess Royal Centre for Performing Arts Guernsey College of Further Education Les Ozouets Campus St Peter Port GY1 2UB

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