GLF presents The Outdoor Swimmers' Handbook, by Kate Rew
24th Jun
6pm - 7pm
6pm - 7pm
Kate Rew is the founder of the Outdoor Swimming Society and has established three iconic open water events - Dart10K, Swoosh and Hurly Burly - and spearheaded an international resurgence in swimming outdoors. Dive into the wonders of the popular nature-meets-wellbeing sport with Kate as she brings together the art, sport and science of being an outdoor swimmer and shares everything you need to know to enjoy swims in the wild.
Supported by Guernsey Swim Adventures
Tickets: Adult £10 / Child £5
- T: +44 1481 225200
- E:
- Beau Sejour Leisure Centre Amherst St Peter Port Guernsey GY1 2DL