GLF presents The Seven Ages of Death - A Forensic Pathologist's Journey Through Life, by Dr Richard Shepherd

25th Jun
11am - 12pm

Dr Richard Shepherd, Britain's top forensic pathologist, has spent a lifetime close to the dead. As a medical detective, each autopsy he carries out is its own unique investigation, uncovering the secrets not only of how a person died, but also of how they lived.

Drawing on his most intriguing, enlightening and never-before-told cases, Richard will share autopsies that span the seven ages of human existence, and which taught him as much about the marvels of life as the inevitability of death. From old to young, from murder to misadventure, and from illness to accidental death, each of these bodies has something to reveal.

Tickets: £12/£6

  • Contact

  • T: 01481 229999
  • E:
  • Princess Royal Centre for Performing Arts Guernsey College of Further Education Les Ozouets Campus St Peter Port GY1 2UB

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