Halloween at St James

28th Oct
8pm - 12am

This year our big Halloween Party will take you across the dark mountains and wild forests to the home of Dracula himself: Transylvania

Join us as we awaken our gothic castle to the sounds of Balkan delights. Let’s block out the sun and dance ’til we raise the dead with the international legends The Turbans, the raucous Bethlehem Casusals and the dame of the night herself; hot springs.

The Turbans bind together musics from ‘manywhere’ with their interstellar live show which ignites the crowd. Sonically huge and visually arresting, they are a powerhouse of talent, bringing their vibrant and unique sound to audiences who can do nothing more than smile, dance and shout for joy. Their aim is to bring music to the people, young and old alike, mixing vibrant spontaneity and authenticity with multi-genre instrumental and vocal excellence.

We’d love to see you all in your costumes – from aliens to zombies. all are welcome

“Listen to them, Children of the Night. What music they make.” Dracula 1931

Doors: 8pm


  • Contact

  • T: 01481 711360
  • E: admin@stjames.gg
  • St James Concert and Assembly Hall College Street St Peter Port Guernsey GY1 2NZ

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