Huni - Guernsey Film Fest

1st October

Guernsey Film Fest will play host to a myriad of films for free over October 1 & 2, including shorts and features of all genres.


The Huni Kuin are an indigenous tribe with a population of about 10,000 people living in the Amazon rainforest. They try and live in harmony within themselves and with the ecosystem. The psychedelic Ayahuasca is a key part of their spirituality. Every Saturday they gather as a tribe and go on a night long inner vision quest. They were so concerned about the effects climate change was having on the rainforest, they held a special tribal Ayahuasca ceremony to pray. There were several shamans participating in the event and they discussed what they feel humanity needs to do to combat climate change and make the world a more peaceful and loving place. - by Danielle McCormick / 30 minutes / 2020

  • Contact

  • T: 01481 266366
  • E:
  • The Mallard Cinema Rue de la Villiaze Forest Guernsey GY8 0HG

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