Iris and Dora Halloween Tie Dye T-Shirts

26th Oct
3:30pm - 4:30pm
Join us for a tremendously terrifying tie dye workshop and create your own Halloween themed t-shirt. 
This is an old-school tie dye workshop with rubber bands, good dyes & great vibes. Workshop includes the t-shirt and all of the required supplies.
Recommended for school years 4 upwards, younger children can take part but will need to be accompanied by an adult.
Please note that we require a minimum of 8 students to be able to run this class, and sadly will have to cancel if we don’t have sufficient interest.
  • Contact

  • T: 01481 721375
  • E:
  • Iris & Dora Ruette Braye St Peter Port Guernsey GY1 1PL

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