Island Health Presents - Paper Tigers

7th Mar

The focus of change within this troubled high school in the USA is led by the findings of the 1998 Adverse Childhood Experiences Study. The dramatic changes in the lives of the children the story follows is a testament to the science that is now available that shows the transformational power that care, compassion and commitment can have on diluting the biological effects of trauma and overseeing generational benefits.

The evening will be hosted by Dr Alia Andersson who has seen first hand through her work in Manchester, the dramatic effects that being trauma informed on a community level can have.

This is an event that shows the unison and the coming together of health and education in Guernsey and will feature a select panel for a short Q&A session after the film.

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  • T: 01481 749999
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  • Princess Royal Centre for Performing Arts Guernsey College of Further Education Les Ozouets Campus St Peter Port GY1 2UB

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