La Beltane - Sark's May Day Celebrations

29th Apr
11am - 11:45pm
Our plan is this year in Sark, for the Bank Holiday weekend, we welcome in the magical month of May, celebrating the blossom, and the bluebells, the birds and the bees.
The Saturday fayre will include dressing the well, mummers players, maypole dancing, May Queens, and morris dancers, along with a host of crafts, workshops, spoken word and other entertainments. The daytime activities will be entrance by donation to make it as accessible as possible.
Then the evening will be a ticketed event to come and watch the burning of a wickerman and a bedlam of bands. Full line up to be confirmed, but we've got some corkers in the pipeline. Watch this space!
Tickets are on sale and we are also looking to raise seed funding to help cover the up front costs of putting on the event.
The whole La Beltane celebration will be to raise money for the Professor Saint charity.
Under 12 years of age - free accompanied with an adult!
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