National Theatre Live presents Philip Pullman's 'Book of Dust'

3rd Mar

Book of Dust - La Belle Savage

Eighteen years after his ground breaking production of His Dark Materials at the National Theatre, director Nicholas Hytner returns to Pullman’s parallel universe. Broadcast live from London’s Bridge Theatre.

In the care of two young people, is a tiny child called Lyra Belacqua, and in that child lies the fate of the future. And as the waters rise around them, powerful adversaries conspire for mastery of Dust: salvation to some, the source of infinite corruption to others.

Tickets: £18.00 and £16.00

Rating 12

Duration: 3h 0m

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  • T: 01481 229999
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  • Princess Royal Centre for Performing Arts Guernsey College of Further Education Les Ozouets Campus St Peter Port GY1 2UB

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