Poetry Tea Party

12th Dec
6pm - 7pm

Join the Guille-Allés team for a Poetry Tea Party.

Tuesday 12 December, 18:00-19:00 in the Dorey Room on the second floor.

A friendly, informal group for poetry lovers.

We’ll start each session with an opportunity to read work, share favourite poems and listen to others read.

The second half of the session will include a lucky-dip poetry prompt, providing an opportunity to write a quick poem, or just get started with some ideas, which you can share if you like.

Free event, refreshments available. Register your attendance by following the 'buy tickets' link above.

  • Contact

  • T: +44 1481 720392
  • E: ga@library.gg
  • Market Street, St Peter Port, Guernsey GY1 1HB

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