SOUND Acoustic Session @ St James

22nd Jul
7pm - 10pm
Welcome to our 2nd SOUND Acoustic Session, in the Cafe at St James!
Rather than the loud band nights in the hall, these acoustic sessions have more of an unplugged feel to them, with performers bringing their talents to the cosy atmosphere upstairs.
This is a free event - so pop in - bring a friend - and chill!
The line-up so far:
9:00-9:45 Ben Grut
8:30-8:50 Charlee Hunkin
8:00-8:20 Lily Quintal
7:30-7:50 Phoebe Copperwaite
11-18 year olds only! No parents allowed.
Make sure you have your lifts sorted! We ask you not to leave the venue until you're ready to call it a night, but the cafe has a great balcony where you can catch some fresh air (and still see the action inside).Please don't bring your own food and drink into the venue.
Huge thanks to Guernsey Arts and St James for making these events possible.
Doors open at 7pm and close at 10pm.
  • Contact

  • T: 01481 711360
  • E:
  • St James Concert and Assembly Hall College Street St Peter Port Guernsey GY1 2NZ

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