The Guernésiais Translations of Thomas Martin - A Talk by Prof. Mari Jones

23rd Mar

In the late 19th and early 20th centuries, Thomas Martin translated all of Shakespeare’s plays, the Bible and many plays by famous French playwrights, including Molière and Voltaire, into Guernésiais. Although not an established writer, his work represents the largest collection of prose in Guernésiais from one pen.

Prof Mari C. Jones of Cambridge University has studied his translations in detail – in her book “The Guernsey Norman French Translations of Thomas Martin” – and this month, Thomas Martin’s translation of Romeo & Juliette is being published by Blue Ormer.

Come and hear Mari talk about Thomas Martin’s extraordinary achievements.

Proceeds to Priaulx Library funds.

  • Contact

  • T: 01481 721998
  • E:
  • Priaulx Library, Candie Road, St Peter Port, Guernsey GY1 1UG

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