The Square Globe - Mark Cook

8th Nov - 31st Dec
10am - 4pm

Guernsey Arts is proud to host 'The Square Globe' by Mark Cook.

8 November - 31 December at the Greenhouse Gallery.

Open 10am - 4pm, standard Museum charges apply, free entry with a discovery pass.


“Art is a lie that makes us realise truth.”
Pablo Picasso

“Reality is merely an illusion, albeit a very persistent one”.
Albert Einstein


Reality and truth, are as subjective as time and space.

Your reality and truth are not my reality and truth as I am not you and you are not me.

Art is the bridge between the you and the I.

Art allows for the visualisation and vocalisation of internal dialogues and a glimpse into dead souls; for each work even if it is ‘new’ it is already a vision of a past moment, a past reality and a past truth.


Art reminds us of the need to appreciate and understand other realities and other truths.

Art defines us and always has.

Art is remade in the head of each person it touches.

Art is truth and reality, wrapped up in the illusion of the object.

Art is.

“Ceci n’est pas une pipe”
René Magritte

  • Contact

  • T: 01481 220711
  • E:
  • Candie Museum Candie Road St Peter Port Guernsey GY1 1UG

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