Wild Islands: The Blue - Free Screening at the Tourist Information Centre

10th Jul
9am - 5am | 11th Jul
9am - 5am | 12th Jul
9am - 5am | 13th Jul
9am - 5am | 14th Jul
9am - 5am | 15th Jul
10am - 2pm
The outer office of the GBRC has been converted into a cosy mini theatre for the Island Games. You don’t need to book a ticket, just turn up.
You can watch the film:
Monday 10th July: 9am – 5pm
Tuesday 11th July: 9am – 5pm
Wednesday 12th July: 9am – 5pm
Thursday 13th July: 9am – 5pm
Saturday 15th July: 10am – 2pm
You don’t need to book a ticket, just turn up.
The Film will be played in the @GBRC room at the back of the Tourist Information Centre, it will be played on a loop daily for islanders and tourists to pop in and learn more about our islands conservation!
The Blue is a short wildlife documentary-film that explores the stunning marine biodiversity in the waters of the Channel Islands, focusing on the seagrass surrounding the shores of Guernsey, vast pods of dolphins passing through our waters and Atlantic bluefin tuna returning and hunting far off-shore.
The Blue is also a celebration of our marine-life and the people working to protect the species and habitats off our coast. The film features interviews with local conservationists, who share their passion for the island's wildlife and the work they do to preserve it. The film serves as a tribute to the dedication and hard work of these individuals and a call to action for others to join in this work.
We speak to Dr Mel Broardhurst-Allen about the Bailiwick Eelgrass Exploration Project or BEEP and Zuzanna Soltysiak who research bottlenose dolphins in the Bailiwick of Guernsey. The film is narrated by Liz Sweet.

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