Liberation 80th Poetry Open - SUBMISSIONS OPEN!
Guernsey Arts launch Poetry Open to reflect on, commemorate and celebrate 80 years since the Bailiwick’s Liberation.
In 1945 the Islands of Guernsey felt the relief of Liberation from the occupying forces. This momentous day has been celebrated annually by all who live (or have lived) in the Islands, and still has significant meaning to all.
In 2025 we celebrate 80 years since this date.
To honour the milestone, Guernsey Arts have launched a creative programme of events and invite Island Creatives to submit a piece of poetry for publication in a commemorative
The Liberation 80th Poetry Open looks to use poetry, prose and the written word as a means for the community to share their words on such an important date in the Bailiwick’s history.
Entries are to be centred around core topics for next year’s anniversary, with special focus on what happened after the war. These topics are as follows:
• Evacuation & the return of the Evacuees
• Deportation & what happened to them
• Occupation & rebuilding the Island
• The German Forces & what happened after Liberation
• The Liberating Forces & planning the Liberation of the Islands
Poems may be submitted in English or Guernesiais. For those wishing to use Guernesiais, several phrases have been kindly provided by the Guernsey Language Commission:
• (the) Liberation, (a) Celebration - (la) Liberâtiaon, (énne) Célébrâtiaon
• (the) Freedom - (la) Libertaï
• Guernsey is free - Guernesi est libe
• Five long years, it is over now - Chin laongues onnaïes, ch’est fini achtaeure
• Let us remember, and celebrate - Faout s’en r’maette et célébraï
• The occupation is over - L’Otchupâtiaon est finie
• Eighty years ago - I’y a quater-vingts àns
• The island was liberated - L’Île fut liberaïe
Guernsey Arts is thankful for the support provided by Guernsey Museums and the Guilles-Alles Library. Guernsey Museums has created online resource (found on museums.gov.gg) and provided a hugely informative display of artefacts from the time
period to aid in the ideas generation process. These artefacts are currently being kindly displayed on the second floor at Guilles-Alles Library to allow free access to all.
“Guernsey Arts is thrilled to be able to create the platform for this community led project. We hope Islanders will be inspired to look into such a poignant moment in our shared history and
use their creativity to provide a different perspective 80 years on.” - Jade Kershaw, Community & Public Realm Officer
Guernsey Arts is also working with Dr Karen Marshall to arrange for the Liberation 80th Schools Poetry Open to be circulated across all education facilities, including the home-
schooling community.
Guernsey Arts previously led a similar community initiative with Dr Marshall in 2020 for the 75th anniversary, which resulted in fantastic success. The team hopes that through this joint
knowledge, 2025 will welcome more entries, encouraging Islanders of all ages to connect with our unique Island history.
It is intended that the poems will be used to create a commemorative 80th Liberation anniversary book, both in physical and digital form. Select poems may also be used for
public art initiatives, encouraging the community to engage with the written word in new ways.
Further information on the open and details on how to enter can be found via
https://arts.gg/events/liberation-80th-poetry-open-submissions-now-open , or contact the Guernsey Arts team on:
• info@arts.gg
• 01481 220711
Any school or home school groups with queries about the Schools Poetry Open can contact:
• Jade@arts.gg
• 01481 220713
Entries must be submitted by Friday 20th December.
Guernsey Arts is a not-for-profit organisation which aims for the Bailiwick of Guernsey to be the most vibrant artistic community it can be, across all aspects of the arts. From
photography and film to live music and theatre; from sculpture and visual arts to poetry and literary works, if it’s an art form, the Guernsey Arts team is on hand to help Bailiwick projects
and creatives reach their full potential.
With the strapline Promote, Support, Inspire, the team aims for everyone, regardless of age or background, to have access to the arts.