The Priaulx Library, set in picturesque Candie Gardens, has since 1889 been collecting, cataloguing and preserving records, artefacts and books that document Guernsey's history and unique identity. The Library aims to make this important collection as accessible as possible and the archives are open to the public. You can also search our collections online from the Guernsey Libraries catalogue. Our staff are also able to assist with enquiries and work closely with individuals, schools and other institutions on research and educational projects.
Our collections include maps, family records, pictures, photographs, books, local newspapers, family and military records and important local documents. Our project to digitise the Library's unique holdings, the Digital Priaulx, is well underway. We are a lending and reference library, and provide research and reproduction services.
- T: 01481 721998
- E:
- Priaulx Library, Candie Road, St Peter Port, Guernsey GY1 1UG