It is one of the smallest of Guernsey’s Anglican church buildings. The parish stretches from the Grammar School in the north to the airport in the south. The church welcomes (and is delighted to include in its regular worshippers) both those who live within the parish and people who travel from all over Guernsey to attend its services. People are drawn to St Andrew’s Church by its central and inclusive Anglican tradition. We hope that they will find well ordered worship, good music and intelligent preaching, all aimed at building people up in faith and equipping them for discipleship at home, at work and in their service to the wider community. The Chapel of Christ the Healer, known as the Monnaie Chapel because of its location on the Rue du Monnaie, is situated within the parish. The Monnaie Chapel is a beautiful small building, a church in minature, which is a centre for the Christian healing ministry in Guernsey. There is a service every Wednesday, taken by one of the clergy in Guernsey.

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