Arts and Crafts Eisteddfod 2022

30th Mar - 2nd Apr

Celebrating the Centenary of the first Guernsey Eisteddfod Festival in 1922

"The festival showcases the wide variety of talent of so many people across the different sections. There really is something for everyone and I do encourage you to support it. It is an opportunity to be entertained and impressed by the members of our community whatever their ages. We should applaud all those willing to share their talents with us. I hope everyone gets to enjoy a truly fantastic festival in the centenary year following the founding of the Society." - Richard McMahon, Bailiff of Guernsey and President of the Guernsey Eisteddfod Society

ARTS AND CRAFTS: 30th March - 2nd April

Wednesday to Friday 9.00am - 8.00pm. Saturday 9.00am - 5.00pm

Admission Charges:

Adults £6.00 Children and OAPs £3.00

  • Contact

  • T: +44 1481 225200
  • E:
  • Beau Sejour Leisure Centre Amherst St Peter Port Guernsey GY1 2DL

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