Vivien Ferneyhough - Marks In The landscape

 25th June – 1st August Greenhouse Gallery at Guernsey Museum Candie Gardens.

Guernsey Arts is delighted to present Marks in the Landscape an exhibi+on by Vivien Ferneyhough. An exhibition that connects Art, History and Archaeology with perfect harmony. Vivien was inspired by 17 historical sites across Guernsey. The abstract nature of the architectural structures in the artworks allows the viewer to move through time, and experience familiar places with new light.

In addition to the original artworks being exhibited in the greenhouse gallery, the paintings can also be seen, reproduced on plaques in the specific locations which inspired the artworks. A guide to all the sites will be available from Guernsey Museum at Candie Gardens, Fort Grey and Castle Cornet. We encourage the public to visit all the sites and take in the rich historical landscape of Guernsey through art. 

  • Contact

  • T: 01481 220711
  • E:
  • Candie Museum Candie Road St Peter Port Guernsey GY1 1UG

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