The Big Lockdown Build

The Big Lockdown Build

We know lockdown isn’t easy. Especially for those who are juggling the challenges of being a parent and working from home. 

We understand this as we're also balancing the same demands and some days it feel like a constant uphill struggle. But, we also know that there is some amazing, creative work going on in homes across the island, whether you have little ones or not. 

Because we are having to make our own fun and entertainment we are repurposing things that would have ordinarily gone in the bin (or the recycling!) with surprisingly brilliant results.

Let’s take a moment to congratulate ourselves on getting through this the best way we can. By muddling through, taking one day at a time, one hour at a time. Let’s not forget that we are all in this together, we must be kind. We are doing great Guernsey.

If you have been getting crafty this lockdown, we would love to see your big lockdown builds. Post a picture in our comments or send us a message and we’ll share all your amazing home projects, however big or small.

#TheBigLockdownBuild #GuernseyTogether


Article from: The States of Guernsey Facebook 

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